Hospital Responsibilities for Timely Reporting of Fetal and Infant Deaths

September 3, 2019


Hospital Responsibilities for Timely Reporting of Fetal and Infant Deaths       

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is asking for hospital assistance in the timely reporting of fetal and infant deaths, as well as the appropriate disposition of fetal and infant remains. All birth and death records must be registered with the Local Registrar within seven days of the occurrence without exception.

Hospitals play an important role in ensuring that timeframe is met. Failure to adhere to these timeframes slows down and creates inaccuracies in other federal and state mandated reporting putting, amongst other things, funding for disease management programs at risk.

Reporting requirements vary depending on certain factors such as gestational age, live birth and wishes of the mother. Hospitals should review their policies to ensure they are consistent with state law. To assist hospitals, IDPH has developed the following chart that outlines what hospitals must do under certain circumstances.

Hospitals with questions about specific cases should contact IDPH’s Division of Vital Records at or 800-237-1945.