IPC Group Purchasing

We reduce healthcare supply chain expenses through national GPO pricing, volume aggregation and regional contracting. The program is a collaboration of IHA, hospitals, health systems and Premier Inc.

IPC Group Purchasing

IPC Group Purchasing—offered through IHA—acheives the best value for members through a successful volume aggregation model. Member supply chain executives lead IPC's contract decision-making process. IPC brings customized member support to maximize contract savings and provide an additional resource to members' supply chain staff.

Benefits of IPC Membership

  • Contract aggregation so all members achieve better tier pricing and discount opportunities
  • Vendors pre-vetted for best value and exceptional service
  • Customized member support
  • Access to the Premier Inc. portfolio of products and services
  • Choice of either full or select membership to meet your specific needs

We offer membership to both acute and non-acute healthcare organizations.