IHA Constituency Sections

Members of IHA constituency sections serve in a variety of capacities, including meeting with legislators, third-party payers and accrediting bodies. They also offer recommendations to the Board.

Behavioral Health

This specialized group identifies strategies to improve the quality and effectiveness of psychiatric and substance abuse care, and their integration and coordination with other areas of healthcare. For more information, see our Behavioral Health section.

Investor-Owned Hospitals

This group provides input on the key issues impacting investor-owned hospitals, a growing segment among hospitals, and seeks to build greater understanding of their role in communities. View facts and a list of investor-owned hospitals.

Small & Rural Hospitals

With 86 hospital members representing 42% of Illinois hospitals, this group supports the work of small and rural hospitals to provide needed healthcare services to the communities they serve. For more information, see Advancing Rural Health.

ALVR Foundation (formerly Constituency on Volunteers)

ALVR Foundation is an affiliate society of IHA. To learn more, please see our Affiliate Societies page.

Small & Rural Backgrounder

Representing 42% of all Illinois hospitals, small and rural hospitals face unique challenges due to their geographic location, small size and demographic mix. Committed to their communities, small and rural hospitals continue to innovate to enhance care and individual health.

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